Dire Dam


Completed in 1998 GC (1991 EC)

It is an earth-fill dam with a capacity of holding over 19 million cubic metres of raw water

Geferssa Dam and Treatment Plant

Completed 1940 GC (1948 EC)

Underwent a rehabilitation project in 2008 GC, which increased its raw water holding capacity to 9.5 million cubic meters

Current water yield is 30,000 cubic meters per day

Legedadi Dam and Treatment Plant

Established in 1970 GC (1963EC)

Has a capacity of holding 47 million cubic meters of raw water

Underwent expansion works in 1985 GC (1977 EC) and 2015 GC (2007 EC)

Current water yield is 195,000 cubic meters per day

Ground water sources

Over 100 deep and shallow wells have been dug since 1995 GC (1987 EC) and are operational

413,000 cubic meters out of the city’s total daily water production of 608,000 cubic meters is obtained from ground water sources, which amounts to 67.9% of the total

Sewage trucks



To line Addis Ababa among the best 5 African cities in
water and sanitation services by the year 2020.



To deliver sustainable and adequate water and liquid waste
disposal services in line with the city’s speedy development
via working hand in hand with stake holders.



We shall supply clean water to all citizens of Addis Ababa!
We shall create a city free from the hazards posed by liquid waste!
In relentless change and improvement, we trust!
With knowledge and faith, we lead!
Providing instant reaction is an integral part of our service!

Cooperative work is fundamental input to the realization of our mission

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Oromia region residents living in water sources

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